Letter Size Essay vol.2
2025: THE LOOP
Letter Size Essay vol.1
Typography In NYC 2 紐約字2
I‭ ‬wake‭ ‬up‭ ‬at 6‭:‬45‭ ‬A.M‭.‬ 2‭ ‬days‭ ‬every‭ ‬week‭ ‬to‭ ‬teach‭, ‬and‭ ‬this‭ ‬is the‭ ‬view from‭ ‬my‭ ‬window‭ ‬before I‭ ‬turn‭ ‬on‭ ‬my‭ ‬laptop‭.‬ 每週兩天早上六點三刻起床教書,這些是我在打開電腦前所看到的每天窗外的景色。
Type Something For Me
Fantôme 夢幻泡影
The Distance Between Us 你我之間的距離
Typography In NYC 紐約字
 Things that were once familiar and beloved appear to be strange 昔日熟悉而熱愛的事物變得陌生
TWINS: Doubleness in the Development of Art 孿生:關於藝術中的雙重性
Letter Size Essay vol.2